Jupyterlab variable inspector
Jupyterlab variable inspector

jupyterlab variable inspector

ipysheet - Interactive spreadsheets in Jupyter.ipyleaflet - Interactive visualization library for Leaflet.js maps in Jupyter notebooks.IPySigma - Prototype network visualization frontend for Jupyter notebooks.bqplot - Grammar of Graphics-based interactive plotting framework for Jupyter.Bokeh - Interactive visualization library that targets modern web browsers for presentation.Altair - Declarative visualization library for Python, based on Vega and Vega-Lite.

Jupyterlab variable inspector code#

  • nbtutor - Visualize Python code execution (line-by-line).
  • nbgrader - Assigning and grading of Jupyter notebooks.
  • nbgitpuller - Sync a git repository one-way to a local path.
  • nbautoeval - Create auto-evaluated exercises.
  • jupyterlab variable inspector jupyterlab variable inspector

    LTI Launch JupyterHub Authenticator - Authentication via Edx.jupyter-edx-grader-xblock - Auto-grade a student assignment created as a Jupyter notebook and write the score in the Open edX gradebook.jupyter-viewer-xblock - Fetch and display part of, or an entire Jupyter Notebook in an Open edX XBlock.jupyter-drive - Google drive for Jupyter.IPythonBlocks - Practice Python with colored grids in Jupyter.IllumiDesk - Docker-based JupyterHub + LTI + nbgrader distribution for education.callgraph - Magic to display a function call graph.Visual Studio Code - Native desktop notebook frontend.voila - Notebooks as interactive standalone web applications.Stencila - Native desktop notebook frontend.nteract - Native desktop notebook frontend.ML Workspace - Docker image that includes Jupyter(Lab) and various packages for data science/machine learning.kaggle/docker-python - Kaggle Python docker image that includes datasets and packages.ShopRunner/jupyter-notify - Cell magic for browser notification of cell completion.JupyterWith - Nix-based framework for the definition of declarative and reproducible Jupyter environments.JupyterLab - JupyterLab is the next generation user interface for Jupyter.JupyterHub - Multi-user server for Jupyter.Jupyter Notebook - Main Jupyter notebook runtime.Hydrogen - Run code inline in Atom using Jupyter kernels.Guild AI - Execute notebooks as experiments to capture and compare results over time.docker-stacks - Hierarchical stacks of ready-to-run Jupyter applications in Docker.Beaker - Development environment with seamless data transmission from one language to another.Jupyter is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. A curated list of awesome Jupyter projects, libraries and resources.

    Jupyterlab variable inspector